El mejor parking para patinetes eléctricos


Personalizados con tus colores, diseños y logotipos favoritos.


Exploring the Range of Patinbox Models: Your Urban Mobility Solution.


Exploring the Range of Patinbox Models: Your Urban Mobility Solution.

18/05/2020 – innovaspain.com

Ana Victoria de Lecea (Patinbox): from chef at StreetXo to urban mobility pioneer…

19/11/2021 – elpatinete.net

PATIN-BOX, the first electric scooter parking.

14/01/2021 – cevipyme.wordpress.com

Patinbox, the most innovative solution for parking electric scooters…

Customer Reviews

Sofía Rodriguez

¡What an impressive innovation! Patinbox not only provides a secure solution for parking electric scooters but also contributes to a more sustainable urban mobility. It’s great to see how Ana Victoria de Lecea is paving the way for a cleaner and more convenient future!”

Manuel López

I am excited to see how Patinbox can transform our cities by making electric scooters a more convenient mode of transportation. The combination of smart design and practicality makes this project a valuable addition to our mobility options.

Martina Gonzáles

It’s incredible how Patinbox benefits not only electric scooter users but also local authorities by alleviating public transportation congestion and reducing pollution. This project demonstrates that innovation can have a positive impact on people’s quality of life and the environment.”

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